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Krakow Nowa Huta of the future
Krakow, is the second largest city in Poland, it is the centre of a dynamic region, which has many historical and natural assets. From our historic core (which is a UNESCO world heritage site) you can have easy access to unspoilt mountains lakes and rivers. We have a strong cultural and physical identity and as a city are growing in size and profile.
We are looking for the most talented designers to help us develop a ‘place making’ approach to release the full potential of Nowa Huta the main eastern district of the city.
We are acutely aware of the competitive nature of the global market place, what we want is to grow Krakow not expand it with ‘everywhere - nowhere’ generic developments. Our strong identity physical and cultural has to shape the future of Nowa Huta. We know that this is the key to making Krakow more competitive on the world stage.
These new places have to create environments, which will be viable and attractive to the indigenous population, facilitate inward investment and stimulate economic growth in a measured and sensible way. We are looking at a time horizon of 25 to 50 years in terms of the place evolving. Core to this approach is social, cultural, technological and ecological sustainability.
This part of the city was developed in the 50’s as an expansion area to facilitate the growth of one of the largest steel mills in Poland. The area has a fine urban structure is well connected to the historic core and has wonderful landscape assets.
With the decline of the steel industry the area was neglected and is in need of investment and rejuvenation. Critically the perception of it being a poor suburb the city needs to be tackled in a physical and emotional sense.
Nowa Huta of the future –collective memory, health, wealth and wellbeing;
the competition covers an area over 50,0 km2 It is the largest development opportunity in Europe, what we are looking for is a series of clear well articulated concepts that will form the vision for the future of this area. It is expected that the DNA of Krakow be present in the future neighbourhoods.
The history of the place and the differing layers of time which are evident need to be interpreted and filtered to give us a clear understanding which elements need retention, investment and which can be removed.
We are keen to see how the latest ‘place making’ thinking can be reconciled with the current social and economic situation. Poland is a society, which has in its recent history gained social and economic freedom, this condition is one which brings to the fore the belief of success being analogous with individual car ownership and suburbanisation.
How can the notions of developing a people centred design approach for the delivery of true mixed-use development embedded in walk-able neighbourhoods with necessary modal shift to cycling and public transport be made relevant and critically desired? Entrants need to clearly articulate their concepts in a way that can be used to develop a powerful narrative that can become the first stepping-stone in shifting public opinion and in the delivery of the new neighbourhoods.
We want the city and regional dimensions fully explored, entrants will be expected to clearly set out the reasoning for their conceptual approach in terms of a Place evolution time line, showing how the spatial vision of the social, economic and infrastructure will grow.
Entrants will be expected to clearly articulate what level of connectivity and type they see as necessary to facilitate and sustain positive place growth. An understanding of sequence and prioritisation is expected to underpin concepts. A strategic evaluation of infrastructure requirements is also expected to be articulated to support the proposals.
This sector of the city has the capacity to de developed to provide expansion in terms of office space, innovative technology and clean industry. We want to see how these possibilities can be integrated in a viable way to generate true mixed-use walk able neighbourhoods, which have access to fantastic amenities and landscape features.
We want to see how the submitted vision can enable the delivery of the objectives outlined in “Smart City Concept” and “Eco City concept of Sustainable City.”
We want entrants to clearly outline the qualities of the future places that will make then successful, what will give Nowa Huta its new identity? How will this identity become an intrinsic part of Krakow’s identity?
We are exited by the possibilities of developing our city in a way which can be shown to be an exemplar of ‘place making’ on the global stage, we hope you can share this excitement and look forward to your submission.
Municipality of Krakow, Krakow City Hall, Department of City Strategy and Development, in collaboration with the Chief Architect of the City of Krakow
Pl. Wszystkich Świętych 3-4, 31-004 Krakow, POLAND
The person authorised to provide information about the competition is the Secretary of the Competition Jury, Mr. Rafał Kulczycki
e-mail: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli. Tel.: +48 12 6161532
In the South – Vistula River,
In the West – Bulwarowa Street, Klasztorna Street
From the North – railway line,
From the East – administrative City border line.
FORM OF COMPETITION: The competition is an open idea competition for programme and spatial vision in one stage.
The competition is conducted and settled in English and Polish.
Elżbieta Koterba, architect Deputy Mayor
Prof. Andrzej Wyżykowski, architect Chief Architect
Paweł Węgrzyn, Ph.D. Member of City Council
Sławomir Ptaszkiewicz Member of City Council
Tomasz Ślęzak Arcelor Mittal Poland S.A.
Prof. Sławomir Gzell, architect Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. Huibert Haccoū Director of International Intervision Institute Deventer, Netherland
Prof. Stanisław Juchnowicz, architect Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University
DI Andrea Kreppenhofer Stadtplanung Wien, MA 19 Architektur und Stadtgestaltung, Wien, Austria
Prof. Hildebrand Machleidt, architect Machleidt+Partner, Büro für Städtebau, Berlin, Deutschland
Ricardo Marini, architect City Design Leader, Edinburgh, Great Britain, Senior Consultant at Jan Gehl Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof. Tadeusz Markowski University of Łodz,
Aleksander Noworól, Ph.D., architect Jagiellonian University,
Prof. Zbigniew Zuziak, architect Cracow University of Technology
Deadline for submitting competition works 25th of June, 2012
Competition settlement, public opening of envelopes and announcement of Competition results 4th of July, 2012