Društvo arhitekata Beograda - Future European Architecture Platform

Društvo arhitekata Beograda

Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a/III, tel 011/3230 059, tel-fax 011/3239 754 e-mail: office@dab.rs

Future European Architecture Platform

BINA 2016, Srbija

Imamo posebno zadovoljstvo da saopštimo da je BINA (Beogradska Internacionalna Nedelja Arhitekture) zajedno sa sa nosiocem projekta Muzejem za arhitekturu i oblikovanje (MAO) iz Slovenije i timovima učesnika iz 13 evropskih zemalja osvojila grant Kreativne Evrope - Podrška evropskim platformama (2014-2020) za projekat Future Architecture/FuturA.

FuturA je projekat koji umrežava  arhitektonske muzeje, festivale i nevladine  organizacija sa namerom da promoviše/predstavi rad i način promišljanja generacije arhitekata, kustosa  i istraživača koji u ovom trenutku osvajaju scenu. U žiži interesovanja dvogodišnjeg programa (2016/2017), koji će se realizovati kroz niz izložbi, konferencija, predavanja iI radionica,  su aktuelne teme savremene arhitekture: održivost, alternativni izvori energije, novi građevinski materijali, interdisciplinarana i  intersektorska saradnja u okviru procesa projektovanja i realizacije, participacija građana …

Prvi koordinacioni sastanak učesnika Platforme FuturA će biti održan 5-6. novembra 2015. u Ljubljani, čime će  i zvanično odpočeti rad na projektu.

U projektu učestvuje 14 partnera:

Arhitektonski muzeji

Muzej za arhitekturu i dizajn (MAO), Ljubljana, Slovenija

Muzej MAXXI, Rim, Italija

Arhitektonski muzej , Bazel, Švajcarska

Arhitektonski muzej, Vroclav,  Poljska

Arhitektonski festivali

Oris kuća arhitekture, Zagreb,Hrvatska

Nedelja arhitekture, Priština, Kosovo

Nedelja arhitekture, Tirana, Albanija

Beogradska internacionalna nedjelja arhitekture, Beograd,  Srbija

Arhitektonski festival, Kopenhagen , Danska

Trijenale arhitekture, Lisabon, Potugalija

CANactions,  Kijev, Ukrajina

Arhitektonske organizacije

Zavod Ark, Ljubljana, Slovenija

Ruby Press, Berlin, Nemačka

Kuća arhitekture, Grac, Austrija

BINA 2016, Serbia

We have the great pleasure to announce that BINA (Belgrade International Week of Architecture) together with the project leader Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) from Slovenia and teams of participants from 13 European countries won a grant Creative Europe - Support for European platforms (2014-2020) for the project FUTURE ARCHITECTURE/FuturA.

FuturA is a project that networks architectural museums, festivals and non-governmental organizations with the intention to promote/present the work and reflections of the  generation of emerging architects, curators and researchers who are entering  the architectural scene at the moment. In the spotlight of the two-year program (2016/2017), which will be carried out through a number of exhibitions, conferences, lectures  and  workshops, are current topics of contemporary architecture: sustainability, alternative energy sources, new building materials, interdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation in the process of designing and building, participation of citizens…

The first  coordination meeting of the participants of FuturA Platform will be organized  on 5th and 6th November 2015, in Ljubljana, which will be the official start of the project.

The project involves14 partners:

Architecture Museums

Museum for architecture and design (MAO),Ljubljana, Slovenia

MAXXI,Rome, Italy

Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel, Switzerland

Museum of Architecture, Wroclaw, Poland

Architecture Festivals

Oris Days of Architecture, Yagreb, Croatia

Prishtina Architecture Week, Prishtina, Kosovo

Tirana Architecture Week, Tirana, Albania

Belgrade Week of Architecture (BINA), Belgrade, Serbia

Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark

Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, Lisabon, Portugal

CANactions, Kiev, Ukraine

Architecture Producers

Zavod Ark,  Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ruby Press, Berlin, Germany

Haus der Architektur Graz, Austria

Future European Architecture Map.pdf

Društvo arhitekata Beograda
Beograd , Kneza Miloša 7a/III
Tel 011/3230 059,
tel-fax 011/3239 754
E-mail: office@dab.rs
Pratite DAB

DAB  programi i inicijative
