Društvo arhitekata Beograda - BETA architecture competition

Društvo arhitekata Beograda

Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a/III, tel 011/3230 059, tel-fax 011/3239 754 e-mail: office@dab.rs

BETA architecture competition

The BETA 2018​ competition and its related exhibition supports and promotes quality architecture in all its forms and manifestations, being conceived as a relational interface both within the profession and between the profession and the socio-cultural environment in which it operates.

The competition is open to all those who contribute to the creation of quality architecture in the Euroregion (R​omania​, Serbia, Hungary​), of which: architects, urbanists, landscape architects, scenographers, light artists, graduates of architecture / interior architecture / urban planning / visual arts / design, engineers, IT-ists, public administrations, NGOs, sociologists, psychologists, critics, theorists, philosophers etc.

Participants can submit works realized in the past two years (finalized projects / proposals / projects that reinterprete the role of architecture, including essays on housing) in the following six categories: 1.Built space, 2.Interior space, 3.Public space, 4.Graduation projects, 5.Initiatives / Experiments / Visions in architecture and 6.Architecture essays.

For entering the competition, the participants will consider the following two deadlines: August 1st (for 1-5 categories) and September 10th (for category 6).

The competition has an euroregional character, being open to the DKMT*

​E​uroregion (for 1-3 categories), as well as to the three neighboring countries - Romania, Hungary and Serbia (for 4-6 categories).

The jury consists of: Attila Kim, Irina Cristea, Grozdana Šišović, Levente Szabó and Oana Stănescu for categories 1-5 and Catherine Slessor, Ethel Baraona Pohl and Tamar Shafrir for the architecture essays category.

More information on the competition is available on our website: http://competition.betacity.eu/en

​Also, you can consult the results of the 2016 edition of the BETA competiton here.

Newsletter lansare_EN.pdf

Društvo arhitekata Beograda
Beograd , Kneza Miloša 7a/III
Tel 011/3230 059,
tel-fax 011/3239 754
E-mail: office@dab.rs
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